Friday, September 1, 2017

Over in a blink of an eye

Wow.  I can't believe summer is coming to an end in a little over a week.  I feel like the kids just got out of school!  Our summer was insanely packed - we a ton of amazing camping trips, weekend getaways, parties, baseball games, and preparing for a new school year. Cameron went major tubing with his cousins this year and even flipped off!  I also can't believe Cameron will be starting Kindergarten.

I really can't wrap my head around my baby boy getting out of my car in the morning, every weekday morning, and walking himself inside his elementary school for class.  I know that he will excel at Kindergarten and make a lot of nice new friends, but a part of me still doesn't want to let him go.  There are a lot of "NEW" things coming up and I feel that we are at the beginning of a new Cameron.  Even his sense of humor is turning into a boy (fart and poop jokes/noises)!  It is really hard to sit back and watch my shy child try to come up with the guts to introduce himself to other kids.  I know that in a week or so, he will have to do this without holding my hand and burying his sweet little blushing face into my hip.  As a mom, I fear that he will be left out, passed over for being too sweet/quiet but I know in my heart that he will tirelessly show his new classmates that he is worth the wait.  Cameron is an amazing little boy that has a huge heart.  I know he will succeed and have an amazing year in Kindergarten - I'm so excited for him... and nervous.

Little miss Natalie is about to start Preschool (of course it's on the same day as Cam goes to Kindergarten!!)  Now, I am not nervous at all for this one!  It's not because she started preschool in January and has a little experience under her belt - it's because she is one fierce girl.  Natalie is so outgoing and funny!  She has no problem fitting into a group of kids (even if she doesn't know them) but also has fun playing by herself.  She adapts to social situations so well - I'm certainly impressed!

Nat will be in the same class as January, but with a whole new set of friends (same teachers)  We had her orientation last night and she walked into the school, turned around and kissed me goodbye!  I wasn't even going to leave - it was for the whole family!  She skipped back to her classroom and immediately hugged her teachers and started playing with the activities and toys.  She never missed a beat.

There is no doubt in my mind that Natalie is going to thrive at school.  I'm so looking forward to seeing her progress through the school year (and her class photo!!)  The teachers at her school give families such wonderful support and confidence with both their student and the student's siblings.  I feel relief knowing I have Keely to reach out to for advice on both Cameron and Natalie.  Such an amazing resource to have and I'm extremely thankful to have found this school.

As a mom, I feel like I've gotten comfortable with this stage of my children's lives.  I know what they like to wear, eat, when they need to go to bed, wake up, their friends, EVERYTHING.  With Cameron entering elementary school, I feel like I'm losing control.  This is such a huge step for all of us.  Until now, he has had Preschool and sports - he was away from me for a couple of hours a week.  Now he will be gone all day, 5 days a week plus sports.  I feel a bit of a loss already and I feel like I'm being a bit selfish.  I want jammie days in the fall while we watch movies, I want bike rides after lunch, I want to build a tent in the living room, I want it all back.  I want to do it again.  And again.  And again.  I feel like I didn't take it all in the first time and I want more time.

After realizing this feeling, I've been taking the time to just sit on the floor with my babies, cuddle them more.  Smell their sweet, baby scents and stare at their smiles.  Tickle them until they can't breathe and read every book they bring to me.  I want to soak up as much of them as I can before they don't want to cuddle.  Before they don't want me to stare at them, tickle them or read to them anymore.  I always rolled my eyes when people said, "They grow up before you know it.  Take it all in" - but it's so true.  The days are long but oh my are the years short.

I'm so lucky that I have had the opportunity to stay at home with my babies for the last 5 years (almost 6!)  I know that wasn't the original plan and I'm SO THANKFUL that it worked out like this.  These kids have completely changed my life and I am better person because of them.  Cam and Nat have given me confidence like I have never had before.  They make me want to be the best possible human I can be.  Their love, sensitivity and compassion has shaped my parenting into what it is today.  And because we choose to teach them empathy, sensitivity, kindness and forgiveness, I am confident that we are sending them out into the world as wonderful people who will make the world brighter. I am SO PROUD of who my children are.

Sorry to get all emotional!! Moving on...

Summer like I said was amazing.  We had several big camping trips this summer that gave us the opportunity to spend quality time together.  We went to Ocean Shores, Lake Roosevelt and Foster, Oregon for the eclipse!  All the trips were awesome, but the trip to Oregon was something special.  We camped in the National Forest and had the most beautiful site right on the river.  There were tall trees covered in hanging moss, river rocks for as far as the eye could see, fresh air and babbling water.  Our site was giant too, which was amazing for the kids!  They rode their bikes around the site, crushing cans and water bottles - laughing for hours!  We threw rocks as big as our heads and found the flattest rocks for skipping.  But the coolest part of our trip was the eclipse!!!!!  Ryan had the perfect spot arranged so that we witnessed totality!  It was completely dark - we heard crickets and saw stars, venus and mars!  It dropped 6-10 degrees and then it was back.  JUST LIKE THAT!  It was such an epic experience!  I'm so thankful that Ryan planned the entire trip - one of the best trips of our lives  THANKS BABE!

A couple big milestones that have happened this month:  Cameron is officially riding a two wheeler!  No more training wheels for CAM!!  At Lake Roosevelt, we pushed him down a grass field so he would feel comfortable without being scared of falling.  He was hesitating when we got home but picked it right back up when we went to Oregon!  I'm so proud of him - definitely a moment where my heart soared for him.  Also, Natalie is officially writing her own name!  Not only her own name, but also "DAD" "CAM" "MOM" and "NAT!!"  She can even spell them out loud when asked!  I'm so proud of my baby and can't believe she is to this point already!

Little Nat will be turning 4 this Monday.  I can't believe it.  I can't believe it!  My sweet little sassy girl is the best thing since sliced bread.  I'm so lucky to be her mama : )

I hope everyone has a great September and to all those moms and dads reading this that are sending their kids off to school - YOU ARE DOING A GOOD JOB.  One day at a time.

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Hi everyone! I have recently made a huge decision with my blog.  With the kids away from me during the day most days, it has been increasi...