Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Good Vibes

Hiya!  I hope this post finds everyone well!  January is gone in a flash - I can't believe how fast it went by! This month was SO MUCH FUN and I can't believe how many awesome things happened.  We had playdates, dance classes, swimming lessons, Preschool, Great Wolf Lodge, TONS of working out and more.  I'll start this entry a little different - NATALIE!

Miss Nat had a big month of changes and couldn't be embracing them more.  She started off the month with her first day of Preschool.  She has been so excited to attend the same school as Cameron since last year! On her first day, we (Ryan took the morning off) took both kids to school.  As soon as we walked in, Nattie yelled to all the teachers, "I go to school today!!!"  Everyone cheered and laughed.  Cameron took off his coat and backpack and put them in his cubby, kissed both of us and headed into his classroom.  It was then Nattie's turn.  Ms Melissa met Nat at her new cubby and told her how excited she was to have her in the class.  We took off her coat and her new Hello Kitty backpack and slipped them into her cubby.  Nat immediately started walking into the school without looking back!  I asked her where my hug and kiss was and she ran back and gave us both a big embrace.  She smiled and took Ms Melissa's hand and walked back to her classroom (difference than Cam's) without any fuss.  She was ready.  We were so proud of her!  I can't believe she is at this stage already.  Maybe it's because she is my second, but I feel like she is ahead of her time.  Every class has been amazing for her.  She has had so much fun and comes home with songs, art and stories of her day.  Thank you Melissa and Keely for making this transition so easy for me.  I was having a hard time in the beginning but couldn't be happier now.

Natalie also started dance class once a week.  I have never seen anything cuter than this class! There are 12 little girls in the class - every week dressed like little ballerinas.  Even Cameron agrees that this class is adorable!  The first half of the class is dedicated to Tap.  All the girls put on their little tap shoes and follow Ms Alex's instructions (most of the time).  The second half is dedicated to Ballet - Nattie's favorite!  They slip into their ballet slippers and work on their moves and dances.  Nattie has a smile on her face the entire class and couldn't be happier.  It is so cute to see her making friends and being her outgoing, silly self.  She is so different from Cam and it is so fun to have both an outgoing and shy child.

On Saturdays, both kiddos have swimming lessons too.  Both Cam and Nat are doing AMAZING!!  Nat is smiling constantly and loves EVERY second of her class.  She trusts her instructor (Coach Kathy) and it shows.  She is always the first to volunteer and wants to try new things with minimal hestitation.  I am absolutely floored by Cameron's progress at swimming.  This session, he is in a class with much older kids (13, 11 and 6 year olds) and is quite a bit smaller than everyone else.  You would never know by looking at him - he tries SO hard and is excelling and keeping up with the older kids!  I literally teared up last weekend when Cam swam BY HIMSELF without any floaties to the middle of the pool.  He was unable to touch the bottom (4ft) and swam from the wall to Kathy in the center of the pool.  He was adorable with his little goggles on - kicking and paddling with his arms, coming up for air.  He was using amazing form and was praised by Kathy.  I couldn't believe my baby was swimming!!!

Earlier in the month, we celebrated Cameron's birthday with a birthday party at a jumpy place.  Cam was able to invite some close friends from Preschool to help celebrate his big 5th birthday!  He requested Ninja turtle theme party with Turtle cupcakes.  Everyone had a blast!  In lieu of gifts, Cammie again requested that his friends bring animal donations for him to donate.  So proud of my baby!  He raised a wagon and a half full of supplies for the Kent Regional Animal Shelter : )

We finished this month off with our annual trip to Great Wolf Lodge - just got home today!  We had such a great time and I was pleased to see how many activities the kids can do now (or are willing to do).  This year, Cindee and Marc (Ryan's parents) were able to join us - Thanks for coming!  As the years go by, things are becoming easier when it comes to traveling with the kids.  Staying at hotels are fun and less stressful and they are eating different things more (knock on wood!!).  This year, we decided to get a room with bunk beds - the kids LOVED it!  They both said they felt like big kids and wanted to do it again next time.  I'm so proud of how well they behave.  Not one time did they ask for toys or sweets - sure they looked and played with stuff (Great marketing Great Wolf...)  but they never begged.  They used great manners the whole time and it made me glow.

I wanted to finish this blog a little different.  As most of you know, I don't like to draw attention to myself but I wanted to share big changes with you all.  In December, I made the decision to try the Whole30 challenge. Starting January 1st, I changed the way I ate for 30 days.  During the month of January, I eliminated all grains, legumes, alcohol, added sugar, dairy and caffeine (caffeine was only for 2 weeks).  The first 2 weeks were hard on my body.  I had frequent headaches, I was exhausted and grouchy - but kept up with my workouts 4 times a week.  I had horrible sugar and caffeine cravings and felt gross (almost hungover).  Around day 13, something changed.  I started to feel better and the cravings ended.  My natural energy was coming back and I was looking forward to working out and trying new recipes.  Around this time, I decided to re-introduce coffee back into my diet.  I have always needed creamer in my coffee but because of Whole30, my taste buds were cleansed and experiencing different tastes.  I was (still am) drinking black coffee and don't need creamer to enjoy it!  Some days, I like to add cinnamon and a little coconut oil - DELICIOUS!  Yesterday was my last day of Whole30.  I feel absolutely amazing!  I am going to continue to eat the same way from now on with the exception of treats now and again.  I guess my main diet would be Paleo (No grains, dairy, added sugar).  Coupled with W30, Yoga, Barre and cardio, I've managed to get into the best shape of my adult life!  I feel wonderful.

Now most of you think I'm crazy for doing this change but I have to say it was easy for me.  I have the most supportive husband that loves to try new recipes and get my butt to the gym.  He is always positive with my dinners and actually enjoys them (Ryan did the no alcohol and W30 dinners all month - with a couple drinks out).  I couldn't have done it without his encouragement, support and love.  Thank you Ry : )    Another huge support was my online support group during the W30.  All the members were posting fun recipes, weird and amazing changes and most of all, love to everyone!  My AWESOME Barre instructor, Corey, did the W30 at the same time as me.  She is such a role model of how to care for your whole self!  She added me to the groupd - THANK YOU!!  Finally, thank you to my foodie/fitness friend, Brandi!  I absolutely adore her and think she is such a cool person.  During the entire month, she has been positive and pushed me to make big changes.  Without her, I don't think I would have been so motivated.

I hope everyone has a great February!  HUGS!

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Thank You.

Hi everyone! I have recently made a huge decision with my blog.  With the kids away from me during the day most days, it has been increasi...