Sunday, February 28, 2016

Good Riddance FEBRUARY!!

Hi Everyone!  Man, February was a horrible month for sickness for us, especially ME!  After our trip to Great Wolf Lodge, Cameron came down with the stomach flu.  It is so sad to see your baby sick and really not be able to anything about it.  Luckily, the "symptoms" only lasted 6 hours for him but left him very exhausted and not himself.  A couple days later, I came down with the violent stomach flu that lasted a few days.  That same night, Ry got a touch of it and poor Natalie woke up sick!  By the end of the weekend, we were all much better but exhausted.

This month we were busy with playdates outside of preschool, a meeting with Al the garbage man (He brought Valentine's day treats for the kids) and photos for the Auburn Herald and both kids sat for ZULILY this month!  Natalie did such a great job and loved to be with Cameron and get the attention.  It is so fun to see both kids having fun with their friends and everyone gets along.  This gave me a couple HOURS of quality chit chat time with my mommy friends.  I cannot wait to become closer with my new friends in Maple Valley!

Unfortunately, the stomach flu wasn't the last sickness for me this month.  Tuesday I became extremely sick and completely out of it.  I went to the MD for help and she suspected the flu and possibly pneumonia - she put me on Tamiflu and sent me home to be quarantined from Ryan and the kids.  Friday morning, I woke up even sicker than before and went to the ER.  I was sent away because of a 5 HOUR WAIT!!  We made it up to the Urgent Care in Renton - thankfully I only had to wait for a bit.  The MD treated me for flu, pneumonia and a sinus infection.  After 24 hours with antibiotics, my fever of 102 was gone (first time in 4 days!).  I'm feeling much better but extremely weak and exhausted.  Fingers crossed that Ryan or the kids don't get it - the MD said today was the safe point.  NO MORE SICKNESS FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR!! Thank you to my mom and Cindee for all the help with the kids!  We wouldn't have been able to function without you!  Also, thank you to my friend Kristi for the beautiful flowers - so so so sweet!  Finally thank you to Ryan for taking the time off work, helping with the kids and taking care of me.  Love you!

Both Cameron and Natalie are doing so well.  They are playing independently more and seem to be using their imagination to come up with games.  They are both loving play doh and Cam still loves garbage, recycling and yard waste!  Natalie is amazing at playing quietly alone for a long period of time - much more than Cameron ever did at her age.  Honestly, she plays better independently now than him at 4!  Both kidlets are rocking swim and love to jump into the pool.  We couldn't be more proud of our babies.

Since Nattie crawled out of her crib last month, she has been sleeping on our guest room bed.  Ryan and I decided to buy the kids their very first big kid beds!  Everything turned out adorable and the kids love their new digs.  We gave the kids a chance to pick out their own beds and bedding - couldn't be happier!  Hopefully these beds will last them the entire time they are living at home : )

Sorry this blog is so short.  I'm really exhausted and can't focus : /  I both everyone has a great month!!

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Hi everyone! I have recently made a huge decision with my blog.  With the kids away from me during the day most days, it has been increasi...