Monday, March 31, 2014

Hooray for Spring!

Hi friends and family!  I hope this post finds everyone well.  We are enjoying every second of sunshine that has been out this month (not much) and walking as a family to the park.  We hosted this month's "Dinner Club" with our neighborhood friends.  It was so much fun!  We are incredibly lucky to have friends like them - and sooooo close!  The kids have had a bunch of playdates, activites, birthday parties and family time this month to keep us very busy.  Both kids had MD appointments this month (Nattie's was a well baby and Cam's was a surprise). I'll get into that later : )   Next month is going to just as busy!

I feel like we have a great schedule down with the kids and things are going quite well (knock on wood).  Both kids are thriving and growing like crazy!  Ryan has been swamped at work and even went on a business trip to San Diego at the beginning of the month.  His new project will keep him busy and up in Seattle until the fall!  I'm so proud of how hard he works for us.  He hurries home every night to help me with the kids too.  Cammie and Nattie both light up when they see him!  Nattie get a HUGE smile on her face and reaches for him - ADORABLE!!  Cam talks about him from the second he wakes up until he gets home - then demands they play a game immediately.  Ry is such an amazing Dad.

We decided to take a little family trip this month to La Push, Washington for the weekend.  We rented a cabin on the beach and the view was amazing!  The first night was clear and beautiful outside.  We walked the beach with the kids and girls after dinner - collected treasures (rocks, wood and shells), ran from the waves and relaxed.  The next morning it was soaking wet!  It basically poured until we left Sunday afternoon!  We made the best of it and still went beach combing.  We had a wonderful time getting out of town and the kids did great.  It would be nice to do something like this more often : )

Kate and Zon once again spoiled us and did our family pictures!  We chose to do them at UW in the quad because the cherry blossoms were in full bloom.  Apparently we weren't the only people who had that idea - IT WAS PACKED!!  The kids had a hard time this round of family pictures because it was so cold outside (mommy fail) but K and Z were amazing and got BEAUTIFUL pictures!  We love you guys!  I'll include some in the monthly pictures.

Cammie has been one busy boy this month!  I swear we put him to bed and he wakes up speaking more clearly and has more abilities than ever before.  He has definitely become a lot more risky and daring this month (jumping off of things, touching bugs, meeting new people, etc).  I couldn't be more proud of him.  This month I've been working with him on manners.  Cammie now says, "Cuse me" when he burps or farts, says "Please" when he wants something and "Welcome" when he gets something (he means thank you!!).  It is quite impressive to hear a 2 year old excuse himself after burping without being reminded!  His new favorite thing to say is, "Hi guys..." It instantly makes me smile!

Cam still enjoys to help around the house (I help mommy or daddy!) and needs to complete a job 100% before moving on.  He is a master at laundry and the best helper!!  He is a huge help with Nattie and always brings her toys when she can't reach them, brings me a wipe or diaper if I need one and even brings her a binky when she is upset.  He hugs her when she is whining and I catch him all the time lightly touching her as he walks by.  She just adores him and stares, smiles and pumps her legs in excitement whenever that sweet boy walks into a room.  THIS MAKES MY HEART MELT!  You can just tell that they are going to be amazing forever friends.  They are going to have so much fun together when Nattie is a little older.

Cammie is still going to My Gym every week and loves every second of it.  He is getting so talented with his gymnastic abilities!  They are introducing more activities that promote sharing, patience, colors and numbers.  These things are extremely challenging for a 2 year old.  He is getting better every week.  We do a couple monthly craft projects together which consist of coloring, painting, making birthday cards, etc.  I made a display on the wall to post all of their monthly projects and at the end of the month, I put them in a "masterpiece" scrapbook to save forever : )  It is so much fun to see the size of their little hands and feet grow over the months.

As I said earlier, Cammie had a surprise visit to the MD this month.  One morning he woke up with severe hives that covered his whole body minus his arms.  I took him into the MD and they said hives are extremely difficult to pinpoint.  He believed that Cammie has severe environmental allergies and suggested I put him on a daily children's allergy med until the tree pollen gets better.  He is doing fabulous on it and is hardly sneezing, coughing and of course, no more hives.  To make matters harder for him, he cut 2 of his 4 2nd year molars back to back this month.  I think that last 2 are gearing up as we speak.  There isn't much sleep in this house at night. SIGH.  I just feel awful that my baby is in pain.  Soon this will all be over for him...

I asked Cammie what his top 5 favorite things were this month and this is what he said,

1.  Uncle Ryan
2.  Basie and Loey
3.  Peanutbutter and Jelly
4.  Fast Cars
5.  Curious George

Cameron is such an empathetic, sympathetic, loving little guy.  He expresses incredible sensitivity for a 2 year old boy and almost always takes others' feelings into account.  When a friend cries, he goes to them with a sad face and gives them a hug. He shows emotion when he is sad like I've never seen it (Leaving Nona and Papa - so sad and wants to know when he can see them again) I'm so proud of who is already.  I can't believe how much he has grown as a person.  I love my little bug.

Natalie!!!  Oh my sweet little sneaky girl!  She has grown so much this month - both physically and developmentally.  She had her 6 month well baby check up earlier this month and boy was I surprised.  She is loooooong and lean!  Nattie is in the 40% for her weight and the 84% for her height!  I knew she was long but WOW!!  She handled her shots pretty well and just needed a little extra love.  My good friend Jeanine took Cam so I could be with Nattie at the appointment (btw, first time leaving Cameron with anyone other than family!!  I love you J!)  The MD was very pleased with her development and said everything looks great to start solids.  Such a relief : )

Nattie is extremely animated when it comes to eating solids.  So far she has eaten: Carrots, Green beans, Yams, Sweet potatoes, Pears, Peaches, Prunes, Apples, Oatmeal and Brown Rice.  She liked everything except apples and prunes so far.  Man can she eat!  Nat is still nursing like a champ and more frequently this month too.  I think she is going through another growth spurt (already in some 12 month clothes!) I still love nursing.  It is making me slow down and enjoy moments with her.  It is designated snuggle time that I can smell her hair, touch her soft skin and look at my perfect baby girl.

Nat is so sweet and patient.  Her smile makes everyone around her melt and smile back (adorable one tooth grin).  She is going through stranger danger right now that throws me off a little bit.  Cammie never had it as bad as her but she is starting to come out of it.  Natalie is a total daddy's girl and loves Ryan so much.  He always makes her laugh and smile big.  But at the same time, she is a mommy's girl too.  She snuggles into my collar bone with her little face and looks around clinging to me.  I'M OBSESSED!  She is such a blessing and I can't imagine our lives without our sweet angel.  If she could answer what her top 5 favorite things are, these would probably be it:

1. Her lovie (Her purple fluffy blanket from Nona)
2.  Cameron
3.  Daddy and Mommy
4.  Hippo toy
5.  MILK!!

Natalie is really starting to creep around and really wants to play with Cam.  You can see on her face how badly she wants to follow him from room to room.  She is getting better with sitting up by herself and rolls like a rockstar.  I can't wait to see what is next for my baby!

As usual, I'm sure I am forgetting a TON of stuff about the kids but no sleep will do that to you ; )

I hope April treats everyone great!!  Here are the monthly pictures, ENJOY!!


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Hi everyone! I have recently made a huge decision with my blog.  With the kids away from me during the day most days, it has been increasi...