Friday, February 28, 2014

February Fun!

Hi Friends and Family!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful February like we did.  The holidays are over and playdates are in full swing!  Unfortunately, the mega sickness from January continued over to this month.  We were sick for a solid month before we recovered!  I'm so glad it is over!!!  It was rough for all of us and we were lacking some serious sleep - ugh.  Enough complaining - everyone is fantastic now and we are busier than ever before.  The kids are growing leaps and bounds and I can't believe it.  I know I say it every blog, but I am SO LUCKY to be able to stay at home with my little monsters.  They are such a joy and complete me.

Cam and Nat love each other so much and it shows.  Throughout the day, Cam always needs to know where Nattie is and what she is doing.  Like Cammie, Nattie is always watching him and cracks up when he laughs, dances or comes close to her.  It is adorable to see them interact and become forever friends.  I can't wait for Nattie to get bigger and see them play together, have inside jokes, be goofy together and hang out (I CAN WAIT!!!)

Cammie has grown so much this month.  He is speaking full sentences, explaining himself  more, playing independently and communicating with others better.  I still continue taking him to My Gym classes on Mondays and sometimes open play on Fridays.  While we are playing during class, Nattie watches or naps in her carseat very patiently.  It is nice to still be able to do special things with just Cam throughout the day yet still have Nattie close.  Words cannot describe how silly this little boy is!  This is his favorites from this month:

  • Favorite toys to play with are:
    • "Fast Cars"
    • Mr Potato Head
    • Firetruck
    • Airplanes. 
  • Favorite shows/movies are:
    • "Curious George"
    • "Little Einsteins"
    • "The Lorax (AKA the PAPA movie!)" 
    • "Monsters, INC."  

  • Favorite Foods:
    • Peanutbutter and Jelly sandwiches (sometimes two at a time!)
    • Fruit (Grapes, Strawberries, bananas, blueberries)
    • Greek Yogurt
    • Pickles
    • Cheese
    • Avocados, Salads, cucumbers
    • Mac and Cheese (Still only Annie's)
    • Turkey
    • Almonds and Craisins
    • Goldfish, Banana Cookies, Chips and Salsa
    • Hummus with Carrots and MORE!
Cammie is definitely going through a growth spurt this month and has officially reached the 27+ pound mark.  He eats an incredible amount of food and naps like a champ still.  Unfortunately, his two year molars are currently coming in and they are really bothering the poor little guy : (  Because of this, he is having trouble sleeping through the night.  He is waking up several times a night, crying and wanting something to drink.  I feel bad for him but I'm thankful he is almost done with teething.  WOOHOO!!

We have had several play dates with Charlie, Penny, Molly and Brooklyn this month.  He loves being with his friends so much and is fiercely protective of them.  On that note, Cammie has declared that an adorable little girl from MyGym (ADDISON) is his "New Girlfriend".  He said this one day after I noticed him following her around the whole class.  He was not prompted to say this, this came from Mr!!  Cammie is definitely girl crazy already and loves to follow girls around wherever we are - OH BOY!

Cam is the most empathetic little boy I have ever met.  He always wants to make sure people are happy and if they aren't, he makes a sad face paired with an even sadder noise and gives hugs.  He is a great listener 98% of the time and understands that naughty behavior comes with a time out. Cammie is extremely gentle with Basie, Loey and Nattie and I couldn't be more proud of my bug.  He is the best and I adore him.

Natalie is growing like a weed!!!  She is already 15 pounds and is extremely tall for an almost 6 month old (In my opinion - we will find out next week).  She can easily and swiftly roll both ways and actually goes distances now!  Her nickname is "Sneak" for a reason : )  She giggles a lot, smiles constantly, snuggles warmly and LOVES her brother!  Anytime Cam walks into a room, her legs start pumping and a huge smile goes on her face.

Nattie is extremely quiet, unless she needs a diaper change or to nurse.  She just sits patiently and watches everything.  You can tell she is processing and learning daily.  Nat is now in the good ol' jumperoo and jumps like a champ!  She is also working on sitting by herself and only flops over some of the time now  : )

Next week, Nattie goes into the MD for her 6 month check up!  My good friend Jeanine agreed to watch Cammie during the appointment so I can focus on Nat.  Poor thing has to get several shots - a parent's nightmare.  She is extremely sensitive and cries pretty easily if she is uncomfortable or sad.  THANK YOU JEANINE!!  At her appointment, we are going over starting solids!  I'm super excited for this next chapter for her and can't wait to see her face trying new flavors!  I'm thrilled to be able to make my own baby food again!

Big news for Natalie!  She is now in her nursery full time at night!  It was extremely hard for me to transition her to her crib in the nursery.  She did amazing, that wasn't the hard part.  The hard part was me.  I missed her SO MUCH after we moved her.  I missed her sighs, stretches and farts.  I felt like she moved out of the house : (  It is nice to have some space for just Ryan and I too.  I still grab her at night when she wants to nurse and take her in bed with me for snuggles.

Speaking of nursing, she is a rockstar!  We are going on 6 months of exclusively nursing and I couldn't be happier.  She is very gentle and sweet, even if she is getting her FIRST TOOTH!  Yes, you heard me right, first tooth!  The bottom right tooth is just poking through the gums (Poor thing).  I'm still planning on nursing for a year.  I enjoy it so much that I am considering becoming a lactation consultant.  I want other moms to have wonderful experiences with breastfeeding and I feel that I can help them achieve that.  I had such a hard time breastfeeding Cameron and a difficult time getting started with Nat.  I feel that I can provide other moms with support and information to help them be successful.  Stay tuned : )

I'm hopeful that Nattie is starting to get over her "stranger danger" phase.  For a while, she would cry if someone she isn't familiar with (Or didn't look like mama or daddy) would greet her.  This week has been a lot better - YAY!  We have been partaking in a ton of playdates this month and I think that she is getting used to being around other people.  Speaking of playdates, Nattie had her first visit to the ZOO this week!!  She had such a good time with cousins Charlie and Ashlee!

I'm so in love with my little girl and couldn't imagine my life without her.  She is a lot like Cammie but so different in other ways.  She smiles from the time she walks up until the second she goes to sleep.  She is the apple of my eye and I feel so complete now that she is here. We are so blessed to have two wonderful babies who are well behaved, compassionate, laid back and loving!!!  I can't wait to see what next month brings!

We hope March is wonderful for everyone!  The weather will be getting better shortly!  As always, here are the kids' monthly pictures!  Love to everyone...

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Hi everyone! I have recently made a huge decision with my blog.  With the kids away from me during the day most days, it has been increasi...