Sunday, August 31, 2014

Summer is coming to an end

Hi Friends and Family!

I hope everyone's summer was as wonderful as ours was.  We have 2 weddings down, 2 more to go - Heather's bridal shower, bachelorette party, Nattie's 1st birthday and my 30th!  We have a lot of things to look forward to.  August was very busy for us.  Ryan's younger brother Robbie got married at the beginning of the month,  I traveled with Heather and Lia to Chelan for our cousin Jessi's bachelorette party, Ryan road tripped to Bend, OR for my brother's Bachelor party, the Thody family picnic, I've had countless Physical Therapy and Therapeutic massage appointments (yes, my back is still in a ton of pain) and our buddy Conor is staying with us for a week to wrap up our month.  Last thing for this month is Natalie's 1st birthday party and my 30th get together!!  I'm very very excited to celebrate this adorable little girl and let my hair down a little bit.

Cameron is an absolute riot.  The things that come out of his mouth are hilarious!  He has quite the personality and the imagination to match.  He now likes to imitate people (verbally and physically) and loves the reaction he gets.  He favorite sayings to get attention are, "Thank you very much!" "I'm sorry, it my fault" "I miss you so much" "I'm just trying to play" "I'm juuuuust helpin" and "I have to go poop!!" Speaking of number 2, Cammie is still rocking potty training and 80% of the time, wakes up dry from his nap.  It is so much easier only having one baby in diapers now!  Hopefully Nattie notices and learns to use the potty early ; )

Cammie is still excelling at MyGym and loves his new class.  He is still learning how to sit still and patiently his turn.  He enjoys being challenged and can't wait for the next activity.  The amount of energy this child has is CRAZY!  He is constantly moving from the moment his eye open at 6am until he falls asleep at night around 830pm.

Cam is still very much into books and enjoys reading before nap and bedtime every day.  He can now read us several books (from memory) and loves the little characters in the stories.  Cammie is also very into singing songs.  His favorites right now are, "ABC's" "Row, Row, Row your boat" "5 little Monkeys" "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" "Paddy Cake" "Old MacDonald" "If you're happy and you know it" and more!  Our favorite thing he is doing right now is, "This little piggy" on everyone's toes.  He LOVES it and makes up his own lyrics - "THIS LITTLE PIGGY WENT TO NONA AND PAPA'S. THIS LITTLE PIGGY STAYED HOME. THIS LITTLE PIGGY HAD MACARONI AND CHEESE.  THIS LITTLE PIGGY HAD NONE.  THIS LITTLE PIGGY WENT NANANANANANA ALLLL THE WAY HOME!"  He is so proud of himself and giggles everything.

Cammie wanted me to include his top favorite things this month:

1.  Mommy
2.  Pizza
3.  Airplanes
4.  New Backhoe Shirt - (he has had it for 6 months!)
5.  The color purple - (the color not the movie!)
6.  Sandbox
7.  Firetruck rainboots
8.  Singing ABC's
9.  Sprinklers
10.  Fast cars

Cameron is a total joy in our lives and brings us to tear laughing most days.  He is extremely sensitive and sweet to everyone he meets and wants everyone to be his friend.  He is the quintessential boy and loves to find bugs, play in dirt and make messes.  At the same time, he loves helping with chores, giving sissy hugs and snuggling B and L.  We love this little boy so much and couldn't be more proud of him.

 Natalie is really starting to show her personality more and is ADORABLE!!  She loves to dance to music, especially the theme song to "Mighty Machines" like her brother, snuggle and EAT!!  This baby girl can put away food like I have never seen before!  She can eat a strip of turkey bacon, half a banana and a whole waffle by herself before I cut her off!  Nattie is constantly eating and is never satisfied!  She is still nursing like a champ and I'm still loving it.  I have made my goal of nursing for her first year and would like to continue it.  I'm going to try to nurse her in the mornings and before bed every night.  I love the special snuggle time we get and the close bond that it has given us.  I am so not ready to be finished - I'm thinking 15 months sounds a bit better : )

Nattie is extremely close to walking on her own right now and appears to be days away from it!  She has completely mastered climbing the stairs and furniture though!  She reminds me of a little koala bear.  Just like her brother, she loves to make messes and put toys into containers/walking toys.  Nattie watches Cam like a hawk and copies EVERYTHING he does.  If he makes a noise, she makes the noise.  If he is dancing, she is dancing.  It is freaking adorable.

Sneak has a smile on her face 99% of the time and has the ability to brighten up the room in an instant.  She is a total goofball and loves to play games.  Speaking of games, she does this funny little thing every night that cracks up me.  I am nursing her in the glider in her room - she suddenly sits up and starts banging her little open hand on the arm rest (the snaps my a jingle sound) - she turns her head and has a big smile and looks like she wants to say "I'm so funny mommy".  I literally crack up every night!  She is so cute!

I can't believe our little girl will be one year old next week.  It blows my mind that our newly formed, family of four have been together for a year.  In the beginning, things were so overwhelming and stressful.  How could I ever love this new baby as much as I love Cam?  Does Cammie feel neglected?  Will we ever get to sleep again?  Who is this little person???  Well, I love both the babies equally and couldn't imagine one without the other, Cammie is always wanting to be with Nattie and has special time everyday, we are happily sleeping through the night most nights and this little person is AMAZING!  We have come a long way and we couldn't be more happy.

Nattie and I celebrated our birthdays together on the 30th - her 1st and my 30th.  I will post pictures of the party soon!

In the meantime, here are pictures from the month of August!  Much love to everyone.

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Hi everyone! I have recently made a huge decision with my blog.  With the kids away from me during the day most days, it has been increasi...