Friday, October 5, 2012

9 wonderful months

Hi everyone! Cameron has reached the 9 month mark already! He has experienced a few milestones this month and I am fascinated by him daily. He now crawls everywhere (very quickly!), tries to pull himself up on things, says three words (da-da, pa-pa and UP!), he is the proud new owner of his first little tooth (bottom front) and experienced his first cold/ear infection. Even with all of these activities, he is still snuggly and funny. He is an extremely ticklish little boy who loves attention! He went into his 9 month appointment on Monday. Here are his stats: Weight 18 pounds, 12 ounces (40%) Height 28.5 inches (60%) Head 46 cm (80%) Cameron also received his first flu shot on Monday. Unfortunately, a child's first flu shot is given in two doses a month a part. He did great but had some side effects. Sorry again Katie Keith that Cameron vomited on your couch!! Halloween is right around the corner and we are super excited to take Cameron trick or treating!! He is going to be a little owl (Thanks Carla!). To finish this blog, I wanted to explain why I was late writing this. This week, my Gramps passed away. He was my favorite person and I am beside myself with grief. I consider myself very spoiled because I am 28 years old. Not many people get a chance to have their Grandpa at their high school/college graduations, dance with them at their wedding or adore their children. I was blessed to have all of that and more. The magic of Gramps was I felt like I was his favorite grandchild even though I was 1 of 11. We all felt like that. He always took the time to check in with every one of us (as did we). He knew my brother's band tour schedule, Lia's soccer schedule, every appointment/activity Cameron was doing, how much money I raised for LLS, when Luke was leaving for college, EVERYTHING. I love you SO much Gramps. I'm so happy you aren't in pain anymore. I'll do my best to be strong for my aunts and uncle, my mama and most importantly, Grammie. Here are some pictures of Cameron's 9th Month!

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Hi everyone! I have recently made a huge decision with my blog.  With the kids away from me during the day most days, it has been increasi...