Wednesday, November 7, 2018

First time for everything

You guys, I can't believe I forgot to post October's blog!!  I have never, in almost 7 years, forgotten to write a blog post!  I guess it means that life has been crazy busy and full of activities that we have enjoyed in the moment.  Both kids finished up soccer the end of October - MOD soccer was a success for Cameron and he definitely wants to do it again next year.  He made so many cool friends on his team - GO SOUNDERS!!  Natalie's Kids Love Soccer Clinic was so much fun for her!  She made quality friends and will continue to do the clinic in lieu of actual soccer next year.  She said she likes to be everyone's friend and doesn't want to play soccer games against them!  She is such a sweetie.  

Both kids are excelling in school and loving every minute of it!  Cameron received the Student Of The Month Award in October for being an excellent team player!  He also received multiple awards within art, music and PE for good behavior and trying hard.  I'm so proud that he is trying his best at school and is giving respect to all his teachers and the staff.  Cameron is also rocking his reading!!  My son can 100% read!!  He is enjoying reading books on his own, to Ryan and I and especially Natalie.  I'm shocked how quickly he has taken to books - again, so proud!!  

Natalie is rocking reading as well!!  She knows 33 sight words already and can read 7 BOB books all by herself!  She is way ahead of the game in terms of kindergarten prep and will be ready to tackle more books very soon!  We are obviously very proud but she is beyond proud of herself!  She takes her books with her everywhere and wants to read to the little kids in the daycare at the gym - ADORABLE!!  Natalie is still loving drawing and coloring.  She has been making cute comic books (they are sooooooo good!) I can't believe how big she is getting!

I have been diving head first into volunteering at Cameron's school this year.  I'm volunteering in Cameron's class once a week and I'm also volunteering in Cameron's Kindergarten class once a week!  I love his Kindergarten teacher SO much and would do anything for her!  She taught my baby how to read, write and communicate - I owe her so much.  I'm really hoping that Natalie gets Mrs Mosti next year!!  Fingers Crossed!!  

This week, I was offered a job at Natalie's preschool as a teaching sub!  I was so excited and honored that Keely reached out to me.  Today was actually my first sub job and I loved it!  It happened to be Natalie's class!  It was so fun to see what she is up to while she is away from me.  Natalie's preschool means so much to me and I adore all the ladies that work there.  I sure hope I'm asked to do it again soon!

Finally, I was medically cleared by my orthopedic surgeon last week!  He said I had more of a 9 month recovery instead of the 12-18 month recovery he told me I would have.  I'm so happy that this issue has been resolved and I can finally move passed this - with caution of course!  I asked my surgeon what the probability was that I would have the same problem on my right hip.  Unfortunately, he said that there is a 98% chance this will happen in the future on my right hip - SIIIIGGGGGHHHHH.  He told me to continue to work out and strengthen my joints.  If I feel it tear, call him and schedule surgery immediately.  GREAT.  We will cross that bridge when it comes.  

All good things for the Thody Family!  I hope everyone has a great November and takes the time to stop and think about everything they are grateful for.  Love to everyone!

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Thank You.

Hi everyone! I have recently made a huge decision with my blog.  With the kids away from me during the day most days, it has been increasi...