Tuesday, November 1, 2016

"You are the pumpkin spice to my fall"

Trick or Treat everyone - I hope you all had an amazing October!  I can't believe that it is November 1st!!  I waited until today to post the new blog because I wanted to include Halloween pictures - but the kids were so busy, I only got a couple.  October literally flew by and I really didn't get a lot of down time that I was hoping for.  Summer was extremely crazy and I was looking forward to relaxing during the beginning of fall.

October was busy but really fun.  Cameron's soccer schedule dominated most of the month with practices and games twice a week.  This season, Cam did AMAZINGLY well!  Every game he scored at least one goal (the first game he scored 18+ no joke!!)  As the season progressed, he took interested in the other teams' names, players and of course, the score.  He is very proud of himself for how hard he played and loved the cool trophy he earned!  Today, he said how sad he is that soccer is over.  He got a chance to play with Jackson twice a week (both boys were very good!) and loved Coach Dawn.  We are all looking forward to playing next year!  Thank you to all our family/friends who made it out to his games this season.  He loved seeing you and playing for you <3

Cameron caught wind that Jackson was going to play Basketball this winter on a team and immediately wanted to sign up.  Unfortunately for Cam, it is Natalie's turn to be involved in an activity too - SWIMMING LESSONS here we come!  We are going to sign both kids for lessons this winter and can't wait to see them progress!  Hopefully Cam will be happy about doing this instead of playing basketball (which he knows nothing about).  

Last month, we signed up Natalie up for My Gym at the Lake Wilderness Lodge on Tuesdays and man, did she have a great time!  It was so great to see her express herself and interact with other 3 year olds on her own.  Coach Mike (Mike Leeper) is the instructor and she loves him so much.  She looked forward to going to her class every week and would ask everyday if it was "Nattie's gym day."  Cameron was a great big brother and saved all his iPad time for sister's class.  He sat quietly on the side with his little headphones and the iPad while Nat ran around, played games, sang songs and more.  We signed her up for another class in November because it was such a hit!

Both kids are doing wonderful.  It is so great to see them playing together and interacting like friends not just siblings.  Sure they have off days where they actually fight from the time they wake up until the time they go to bed - but most days are enjoyable.  Cameron is loving school and cannot wait until he goes to school everyday (except Thursdays because he doesn't want to miss the garbage man!!)  Natalie cannot wait to start Preschool next fall.  She is beyond ready and we are actually struggling to make the decision to start her in PreK in early 2017 instead.  There might be an opportunity for her to attend WeeSprouts in the 3's class in January.  We believe she is academically ready and mature enough but she still struggles to use the potty by herself (deal breaker).  Between now and then, I will be working hard with her on that task.  I don't want to hurry her along at all - she is my baby and will have plenty of time to be in school in the future.  I will never get this one on one time again.  I love this special time.  

We are looking forward to what November brings!  October was full of birthday parties, pumpkin patch field trip (Nattie included!), soccer, UW football and more!  I wanted to finish up this blog with a little update of me : )  November 18th is the one year anniversary of my Hip Surgery!  I cannot believe it has been a year since my life changed.  I am doing so well physically and experience zero pain!  My gait and hip alignment is a work in process but I'm trying extremely hard to get that back.  I attend yoga weekly and started to go to a Barre class every friday morning.  I feel very strong and couldn't be happier with my body.  Thank you again for all the love and support  - I couldn't have done this without you guys (ESPECIALLY RYAN!)

Love to all!!

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Hi everyone! I have recently made a huge decision with my blog.  With the kids away from me during the day most days, it has been increasi...