Thursday, October 1, 2015

My Favorite Color Is AUTUMN

Hi everyone!

I hope everything is going well for our friends and family.  September was extremely busy for us, which was a surprise!  We thought that summer ending would mean the end of our crazy schedule - not the case.  September has been packed with more playdates, family gathering, birthdays, parties, sports, games, MD appointments, Speech and SCHOOL!!  I'm going to keep this blog on the shorter side because both kidlets are down napping at the same time people!  Hello personal time : )

As I said before, Cammie started school this month!  He goes to school Tuesday and Thursday mornings for a few hours in Maple Valley.  He loves going and seems to be doing quite well!  Every time I pick him up, he has a giant smile on his face and can't wait to see Nattie.  I ask him what he did today and he always replies that he doesn't remember! - little stinker!  Luckily, Ms Melissa sends an email every Thursday to update the parents on what the kids did that week.  If I didn't have her, I would know nothing!  Next Tuesday is his first class field trip to the Pumpkin Patch!  It should be a lot of fun and all the kids are talking about it.  Pictures to follow!

Cam is still playing soccer on the Big Blue Thunder!  Most of Cammie's soccer friends are friends from Teeball!  He just admitted to me during lunch today that his favorite part of soccer is being with his friends.  He really doesn't like to go to practice and feels tired.  During the games, he likes to watch his friends.  Well, I don't think soccer is his favorite sport to play.  I told him today that he needs to finish this season because that is what "Big Boys" do and that next year, he doesn't need to sign up if he doesn't want to.  He seemed relieved.  I never want him to feel like he "HAS" to play a sport to please us.  The rule of our family is to try everything once and if you don't like it, it's ok!

Because of soccer, Cam's swimming lessons have been put on hold until the winter.  He is definitely missing them and seems to enjoy the lessons more than soccer.  He was excelling at swimming for his age and hopefully this little break doesn't affect that.  Maybe we will try basketball in the winter too!!

Cameron is definitely growing leaps and bounds these last few months!  Both kids are eating us out of house and home!!  He is constantly saying that he is hungry and wants full meals instead of snacks!  I noticed that he is gaining height by the day and seems to have leaned out again.  Pair this with the constant asking of questions and we have ourselves a PRESCHOOLER!  I can't believe my baby boy is almost 4!  He is so sweet and curious.  I couldn't be more proud of my sweet angel and can't wait for him to discover more of the world.  He is so compassionate and loving towards all of his friends.

Natalie is growing leaps and bounds too!!  She too is eating constantly and has sprouted up considerably!  I can't believe we just celebrated her second birthday.  She had a wonderful time - we decided to have frozen yogurt on her actual birthday.  Both kids loved making their own bowls and adding their own toppings.  We celebrated Nattie on the 5th by throwing a giant Toy Story Themed Birthday Party at her favorite park.  She had such a great time and was beyond spoiled by love and gifts.  The day couldn't have been more perfect - the weather was in the mid 70's and everyone had a great time.  Thank you again for all of those that celebrated our sweet girl.

Nattie's speech therapy is progressing well, though it is extremely trying and overwhelming at times for both her and I.  I feel like her tantrums are increasing because she is getting more and more frustrated not being able to communicate her wants and feelings.  I feel so horrible for her when she gets like that.  As her mama, I want everything to go smoothly for her.  I never want her to be frustrated or sad : (      We decided to add a speech play group on Fridays to help with transitions and sharing.  We have been to 2 so far and they haven't gone very well.  The first play date went so horribly, both of us ended up crying in front of everyone.  I was so exhausted and emotionally spent that the tears wouldn't stay away.  I guess that was probably the best place to have a "Mommy Meltdown" but it doesn't take away the shame.  Hopefully her speech therapy continues to be positive and that we will soon not need it.  Fingers crossed.

Here are some pictures of September!  HUGS!!

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Hi everyone! I have recently made a huge decision with my blog.  With the kids away from me during the day most days, it has been increasi...