Saturday, February 28, 2015

Family, Friends and Fun in February!!

Hi friends and family!  I hope everyone had a wonderful month with this beautiful weather!  We had a lot of activity this month and spent a good amount of time outside playing the the driveway, at Nona and Papa's house and at the YMCA child watch 3x a week!  The kids had a really great month but sadly, we are ended February with another sickness.  It appeared on Thursday that both kids had a simple cold (cough and runny nose) but Cammie took a turn for the worst last night and developed a 102 fever and croup like cough.  I couldn't get him into his Ped today so I decided to follow my "Mommy Instincts" and take him right into urgent care.  Sure enough, he had more than a cold going on - much more in fact.  The poor little guy had not only a cold but Tonsilitis, Left ear infection and a double eye infection!!  Cammie is so sick.  We have never seen him so down and out.  Nattie is still her normal, silly self - just with a lot of snot.  Because of all the germs and sadness, I'm going to keep this blog pretty short.

Like I said before, I started a membership at the YMCA in Auburn at the beginning of January.  I wanted to see if working out and doing pilates would help my chronic back pain but sadly it made it a lot worse.  On February 4th, I made the decision to have Steroid Injections done on my SI joints (Sacro-Illiac Joints).  I just had a thought that it could be that joint causing my pain.  SI Joint Dysfunction Disorder happens after the body experiences trauma in the pelvic/lower back region; PREGNANCY and LABOR/DELIVERY!!  I decided to get only one side injected to see if this would in fact the cause.  Almost immediately after receiving the injection, the pain disappeared!!  I am now 3 weeks out from the shot and my back is 90% pain free!!  I started working out 3x a week including weight lifting, pilates and cardio!  I have never felt better and can't believe that was the problem!  While I'm working out, the kids go to the child watch area to play.  After a rough start, things are really going well!  Nattie is doing better with Cammie in the big kids room across the hall (go figure).  It is only for an hour but they actually seem to miss each other and can't wait to go home and play.

Another fun activity that we were able to do this month was spend the night at Great Wolf Lodge!  Man did we have fun!  Cammie went down every slide he was able to without hesitation and was all smiles the entire time we were at the pool.  Nattie was very cautious and seemed to take a serious approach to our adventure - totally the opposite of how they truly are!  Our room had a little cubby that had bunk beds and a little tv just for the kids.  They thought it was extremely cool, especially the fun mural throughout the room.  Overall we all had a blast and can't wait to do it again!  Cammie asks at least once a week if we can go to the Great Wolf pool instead of the YMCA pool for swimming lessons!

Cameron is such a lovie.  He is always making sure everyone is happy and things are structured (needs to know the plan before it happens).  This week was a big step for him (and a huge one for me).  On Wednesday, we signed Cammie up for Preschool in the fall!  He will be attending "Wee Sprouts" in Maple Valley on Tuesdays and Thursdays!  He is super excited and can't wait to meet his new teacher and friends.  He loved the Preschool set up and the toys, of course.  Ryan and I loved the structure, schedule and content, location and teachers.  All in all I think this is going to be a great fit and I can't wait for little man to experience the next step of childhood.  If you asked me 3 months ago, I didn't even want to acknowledge the fact that Preschool was looming.  I know he needed to go, but I couldn't imagine my days without him there!  After meeting the owner and seeing the school first hand, my worries are at ease and I have come to terms that my baby is starting to grow up.  Sigh.

Cammie's vocabulary has absolutely exploded this month!  He comes up with the funniest sayings and comments that usually leaves up cracking up!  He is still an extremely serious boy but he sure does have a goofy side to him.  He is really communicating his feelings and expectations more and I find that he is very understanding when things aren't the way he wants them.  When he doesn't get his way, he replies with, "I'm really frustrated that I can't watch another Curious George." "Will I be able to watch another one when we get back?"  I'm so proud that he choices to communicate his feelings instead of acting out and throwing a tantrum (99% of the time).

Cammie is excelling at swimming lessons and has started an independent class with an instructor and 2 other little boys his age.  He does everything Ms Courtney asks and completes the task 100%  We couldn't be more proud of him.  I feel like he is becoming this little boy and is truly not a baby anymore.  Sure he loves to snuggle at night but during the day, he is one independent guy!

I wanted to share some of his favorite things before he puts his take on it!  He is still really into watching "Curious George" in the mornings.  I let them watch one show after breakfast and it is always that.  He was an excellent eater this month and really ate almost everything I made him.  The kids enjoy several special meals I make for them: Octopus (turkey hotdog with spaghetti legs) Sunshine (toast with peanutbutter with strawberry slices around it to look like a sun) A lion (Slice of bread with marinara sauce pasta around it and cheese slices for ears) and more.  I love to be able to do fun meals for them!  He still loves playing with his cars, trucks and construction vehicles everyday.  His new favorite movie is "Big Hero 6"  Now here is his favorites:

Curious George
Dancing Pants (Skinny Jeans)
Mighty Machines
Big Hero 6
Stomping puddles
Basie and Lola
Red (the color)
FooFooDoodle (His Leap Frog tablet)

Natalie is so much fun!!  She is such a little goofball and really loves to make us laugh.  She is still not talking very much and mostly says, "Uh oh" and "Oh No!"  But that's ok because Cammie talks enough for the both of them!!  Nattie has a harder time getting her feeling across (hence the lack of communication) and tends to act out a little more than Cam.  She has started throwing things and screams when she doesn't get her way.  I'm trying my best to be patient and get on her level but I have never experienced this before.  Most of the time she can be diverted but when she can't, watch out!  Nattie is a spicy little firecracker and loves to make her presence known.

Nat and Cam are really starting to show each other love and attention and most of the time it is positive.  Nattie follows Cammie around like a puppy and watches/copies his every move.  When he shows her attention, like a hug or a sweet little kiss on her head, she melts.  You can actually see on her face that she is extremely happy.  It KILLS ME!!  I love the fact that they give hugs and show each other nice behavior.  FINALLY!!  She just wants to be a big kid like Brother and his friends.  It is so cute to watch her proudly wear the outfit that Cammie picked out for her, even if she normally hates it.  Such a little lovie!

Nattie started swimming lessons this month too!  She is in a parent and me class the same time as Cammie's and loves it.  We officially have two little fishes in our family!!  Because it is at the same time as Cammie's class, Ryan and I decided that we would take turns swimming with Nat so we wouldn't miss watching both of them.  It has worked out nicely and we look forward to it every Saturday morning.  Next month, we will continue swim lessons!!

Nat is officially getting her canine teeth and it couldn't be coming at a worst time!  On top of getting 4 teeth, the little turkey has a cold!  Extra cranky!  I must say though that she is handling teething like a champion.  Little fussiness, still eats like a grown man and sleeps.  It will be fun to see my little girl with a full set of teeth soon!  Her smile is absolute adorable and infectious!!  

Some of Nattie's favorite things include: Elmo, Minnie Mouse, her lovie (Purple blanket), Giraffe Binkie, Ritz crackers and pretzels, growling, smiling, dancing to Salsa and Reggae music, following Cammie and Screeching!

I am absolutely in love with my kids and couldn't imagine not having them in my life.  They make me laugh on a daily basis and constantly shower me me love and attention.  I love their snuggles, their compassion, their smells, their quirks, EVERYTHING.  To finish up the blog, here are some pictures!!  I hope everyone has a great March!

1 comment:

  1. I hope he feels better soon. It's been an awful winter for colds. Glad you were able to help your pain go away too. How fun that you all could get away. I hear you about two different personalities. No two kids are just the same I guess! I can't even think about 3, I'm in total denial. Glad you were able to fix your blog? Thanks for a fun update.


Thank You.

Hi everyone! I have recently made a huge decision with my blog.  With the kids away from me during the day most days, it has been increasi...