Tuesday, May 1, 2018

What a month!

4-29-18    Hi Everyone!  I hope April was as great for you as it was for us!  We were extremely busy this month with exciting activities and holidays/birthdays.  Ryan celebrated his 35th birthday on the 17th - I can't believe he is 35!  When Ryan and I starting dating, he was 18 years old.  We have been through so much together and I can't wait to spend many, many more years celebrating and enjoying our lives.  

This month was full of playdates, school activities, baseball, ballet and swim.  I tried very hard to get the kids out and about with their friends and family this month because tomorrow is my surgery day.  I had extreme "mommy guilt" last week and pushed myself hard to make their week enjoyable and exciting.  We had 6 playdates last week!!!  We had so much fun though!  

Cameron is fully into his baseball season and is loving his team!  Their name is the Fireballs and their colors are navy blue, black and white.  Most of the boys on the team were on his team last year (same coach too!) and get along well.  Although we don't officially keep score, Cameron keeps score in his head and records his record when the game is over.  The Fireballs have won both of their games so far!  The last game was a wet one - I can't wait for more enjoyable weather!!  We can definitely see that Cameron's favorite sports are soccer and baseball.  He always gives 110% on the field - we are so proud of him.

Cam's Celiac Disease is totally under control as of now.  He is growing like crazy and has gained 4 solid pounds!  He has also grown a couple inches finally!!  Even his face has filled out and seems more "plump."  I'm SO PROUD of how hard he has been working and how he doesn't feel sorry for himself.  He knows that because he is gluten free, his tummy doesn't hurt anymore.  He makes the correct choices while we are out and never complains about it.  I am very happy that his body has adapted to his new diet and my baby finally has relief!

We still have Natalie on a gluten free diet too and she is thriving too!  It is a little hard for her sometimes to not have things that contain gluten.  She is my little eater and absolutely loves food!  Overall, she is doing amazing and continues to have mostly cleared skin.  

Natalie just finished up swimming lessons on Saturday.  She has progressed greatly!  I can tell she is ready for a little break with swim - it's hard because Cameron is on a break (Baseball season) and she doesn't like to do it without him.  We will be skipping the next session and come back after summer starts.  In the meantime, she is thoroughly enjoying her ballet/tap class.  Every week she is totally ready to go and loves every second with her friends and teacher Ms Alex.  After this session of ballet/tap, the class has a little recital at the end.  We cannot wait!!  

The end of school is quickly approaching and both kids are a little sad this year is over.  Both Cameron and Natalie has found a great group of friends and really enjoy being in school.  Cameron is a master at reading and continues to blow his goals out of the water!  He truly LOVES school!  It makes me so happy to see him discovering the world around him.  He loves to read signs, books, cards and license plate covers... so cute.  

As the kids met friends this school year, I was able to meet more moms too.  I feel so thankful for the friends were have met this year and I will no doubt stay in contact with even if our kids aren't in class together next year.  We have such an amazing community and we feel so loved and supported.  I have never had such a wonderful group of friends as an adult and I'm very blessed.  They all give me love, support, happiness, joy and comfort in their own ways.  

Ryan is working extremely hard at work (per usual!)  I'm so proud of how dedicated he is to his job and coworkers and comes home with a warm smile and hug for us.  An example of how adorable he is - every day when he gets home from work, he stops by the front door and waits for Natalie to run to the back window.  When she is ready, she runs to him and they embrace in a huge hug and a kiss!  She almost always says, "I missed you so much Daddy!" He rarely has a bad day and gives 100% of himself to us.  We are very thankful for him  - he definitely makes me a better person.  

As I write this, I am finishing up my last minute planning and prepping for my surgery tomorrow morning.  I'm extremely nervous this time around - mostly because I know what to expect post-op.  I'm also nervous to be put under for several hours during surgery.  I know everything will go ok, but I can't help to worry about the "what if"  I'm nervous to give up control of my STAY AT HOME MOM gig.  Poor Ryan has been bombarded with notes, check lists and more.  Lucky for them, I prepped a month's worth of dinners and went major grocery shopping!  I also deep cleaned the house today so everything is fresh and clean.  

I've had SO many friends and family reach out to me - THANK YOU!!!!  I'm really bad about accepting help and please know that I appreciate everything so much.  I will be posting this blog a couple days after my surgery, so I can update everyone on how things went.  

Thank you to everyone for the love and support.  My little family appreciates and love you so very much.  HUGS!

5-01-18  Here is my surgery update!  I wanted to wait to post this blog until after my surgery happened.  Everything went well and I feel a lot better/stronger than my last one.  I had a lot of damage inside my hip socket.  My surgeon cleaned out the messed up cartilage, remove my labral tear and shaved the bone down on my femoral head.  The tear was pretty big!  So far, my recovery is going really well - I'm sore by it's doable.  My surgeon gave me a video of my surgery and a bunch of pictures.  I'm going to wait until after I'm healed up before watching!!  I will be on crutches for about 6weeks and will start certain exercises after my 6 week check up/stitches removed.  I'm so relieved everything went well and I will hopefully never have to go through this again!  I'm signing off for now, I'm floating right now!

Have a great May!

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Hi everyone! I have recently made a huge decision with my blog.  With the kids away from me during the day most days, it has been increasi...