Thursday, October 30, 2014

Pumpkins and Leaves and Puddles - OH MY!

Hi all!  I hope everyone has had an amazing October like we did!  I thought for sure that our lives would slow down after summer was over but I was definitely wrong!!  October has been full of playdates, soccer for Cam, prep for the upcoming wedding, Dr appointments, birthday parties and fun little extras sprinkled throughout the month.  It feels like the month has literally flown away right before our eyes.  I can't believe it has been 2 years since the passing of Gramps.  It still feels like just yesterday it happened.  I find myself thinking about him daily, and know he would just be amazed by the kidlets.  I think he would have loved to listen to Cammie's little voice singing songs, Nattie's little faces and their endless need to dance to the "COPS" theme song.  In a way I feel cheated that I didn't get to enjoy this time with him but I often remember that I was fortunate in so many other ways.  I was fortunate to have him at my high school graduation, I was able to call him and tell him I got into UW, I was able to dance with him at my wedding.  I was able to tell him I was pregnant with Cameron and most importantly, he was able to not only meet Cam, but enjoy almost his first year with us.  I miss him everyday.

On a lighter note, both kids are doing very well!!  Cameron is loving his soccer class that he has every Saturday morning.  Several of Cammie's favorite people has been able to come and either participate with or watch him.  He put his "cool" face on every week and acted like he didn't seem phased by it when I know his is beside himself with excitement!!  This Saturday is his last class and then we made the decision to start swim lessons on Sundays.  Ryan takes Cammie to the YMCA a couple times a month for open swim as a treat and has said that Cam is doing really well with swimming.  He is beginning to become more brave and try new things.  Wish him Luck!!

The kids got a special opportunity this month and were able to do a modeling session for Zulily!  They both had a great time and I could not believe how well everything worked out.  Cammie modeled two different winter coats and Natalie modeled an activity gym.  They both had a great time!  Cousin Charlie was even modeling that same day!  Kate was able to meet up with us at the studio and sit in with the photo shoot.  After the shoot, we walked around Pike Place Market with the kids and hung out.  We all had a wonderful day.

Something big has happened this month for Cameron.  He has declared that he no longer wants to take naps because he is "big".  So far he has been a rock star!  He has had a couple days where he clearly needs one, but I let him make the decision whether he wants quiet time or a nap.  Almost always he wants to earn iPad time - but today, he fell asleep sitting up!  Poor little guy.  The nice part about no naps is an early bedtime.  He is usually in bed asleep by 7pm.  Before, we were battling him until 9ish sometimes later!  Obviously he will have those days where nap is a must, but it's nice to know that we don't have to be trapped inside the house for a mandatory 3 hour nap.

I'm happy to report that Cammie is 100% potty trained during the day and wakes up dry when he does take a nap.  We are really trying hard to eliminate fluids before bed but it is taking a lot longer that I want it to.  I guess I should be happy that my boy is potty trained before the age of 3...  Eventually everything will work out and I don't want to be a pushy mom that forces this on him.  He is very good at telling us when he is ready for things.

Cameron's vocabulary is incredible.  He is trying his best to pronounce everything correctly and retries if it isn't right.  He is always coming up with cute little phrases and sayings and constantly trying to make us laugh.  A great example would be every night at dinner, I place his plate down in front of him and explain what is for dinner.  I am always trying to spice things up and try new things and presentations.  One night, I put down his plate and didn't tell him what was on there.  He puts his hands on either side of the plate and says, "So, what do we have tonight?"  I just about peed myself!  It was hilarious and he knew he was going to get a laugh!

Cammie absolutely loves to sing and dance.  Lately, he wants to sing all the songs and I have to sing "Backup".  He loves singing, "Old MacDonald" "Twinkle Twinkle" "The Wheels On The Bus" "ABCs" "If You're Happy And You Know It" "I Believe I Can Fly" and more.  It is seriously the cutest thing I have every heard.  He is so smart and NEEDS to ask questions and won't stop until he gets an answer.  I find myself talking all day, every day.  I'm not just answering questions like "Why do we have to go?" I'm answering questions like "Why did that lady have a sad face at the grocery store?" and "Why is it raining all the time?"  I'm so proud of my little sponge.

A new thing that has been happening the last couple weeks is the need for snuggling.  Every night, we read books in Cameron's bed with him, turn out the lights and turn on his projector mobile that plays "Twinkle Twinkle."  Lately, he has been asking to "cuddle and snuggle" for a couple minutes before he falls asleep.  YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!  Of course I want to snuggle you until you fall asleep in my arms!!  It is the most amazing feeling being able to snuggle your wiggle worm that is so busy during the day.  The other night he said "I love you best friend" before passing out.  I almost died.  These moments are not going to be here forever and I'm trying to enjoy every last minute before he doesn't want to "cuddle and snuggle" anymore.

Cammie is such a smart, loving boy that is growing like crazy.  He is so compassionate towards his friends and puppies.  He shows so much empathy towards animals and wants everyone to be happy.  Right now we are currently working with "Emotions."  I'm trying to explain different emotions and why people feel the way they do.  I try to describe what he is feeling and encourage him to verbally tell me and Ryan why he is made, ie: "Are you feeling frustrated?" "Yes, I'm very frustrated because Nattie took my car."  I want him to be able to use his words and communicate instead of bottling things up or lashing out.  So far so good.

Here are Cammie's favorite things this month:
- Curious George (Man in the yellow hat)
- Macaroni and Cheese
- Mighty Machines (Machines)
- The Witch in the front yard (Halloween Decorations)
- Basie and Loey
- Boofest (Curious George movie)

Natalie Quinn. . .Where to start with this child of mine?!  Nattie is little bundle of love.  She is constantly making us laugh and smile!  She is still not talking instead, she makes grunts and demands things.  It's really funny because she points at things and yells but won't say what it is.  If I say, "You want water? She goes crazy!  The only words she says on a daily basis are "Uh Oh!" "Oh No!"  She is taking her sweet time in the verbal department but I'm ok with it because her brother won't stop talking!  Her lack of communication is clearly not holding this little lady back in any way.  Nattie is always walking, squatting, climbing or dancing.  Lately she has been trying to run away when she is up to something naughty!

She is still a little bitty thing, weighing in at a whopping 19.4 pounds!  She is still extremely tall and thin.  I cannot believe the amount of food this baby girl can inhale in one sitting!  Nattie can eat full adult meals and still demand more food!  I"m hoping she will continue to have an amazing appetite and not be as picky as some toddlers.

Natalie is starting to make choices for herself.  Just like Cammie, Nat loves to read books.  The books she has been choosing before bed have been "Goodnight Moon" "Clifford's Bedtime" and "Baby Loves To Boogy"  She squats down by her book bin and busily goes through the books until she finds those 3.  It's pretty cute.  Nattie is still a big cuddler and loves to snuggle before bed.  I still miss nursing but my nightly snuggles with her are helping.

Nat is currently cutting tooth number 6 on the bottom left.  She seems to be handling it ok but has her moments of needing to take Tylenol.  Other than teething, Nat is extremely laid back and just wants to be with Cameron.  She has turned into the perfect side kick and they are lost without each other.  She copies every thing that he does and wants to be an equal - which is hard when she is clearly too little.  I think in those instances, it works out for the best because Cammie gets a little special time and a breather from being followed.  Nattie makes my days so much brighter and happier.  I couldn't imagine not having her - I love you Sneak!!

I can't believe my little baby girl is going to be 14 months next week!!!!!  What happened!?  I could not be more in love with these kiddos of mine.  I am extremely lucky to have not one but two well behaved, loving kids.  If I was guaranteed that all of my kids were going to be this wonderful, I would have 12! Shhhhhh, don't tell Ry ; )

Next month is going to be so much fun.  Ryan and Heather are finally tying the knot on the 8th!  We cannot wait to be a part of this amazing day, full of love, family and friends!  Thanksgiving will be wonderful too.  We are looking forward to a lot more family time and of course... FOOD!!

I will be posting pictures on Saturday of Halloween.  Cameron wanted to be the Man in the Yellow Hat and he wanted Nattie to be Curious George!  It should be cute!!


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Hi everyone! I have recently made a huge decision with my blog.  With the kids away from me during the day most days, it has been increasi...