Tuesday, July 3, 2012

One happy 6 month old

Hi All! Well, most of you know that we made the decision that I would stay home with Cameron. My job wasn't working out and we couldn't justify spending a ton of money on daycare and have someone else enjoy Cameron while I sit miserable at work. So how has it been you ask? WONDERFUL!! I love every minute of it! Cam is such a happy and calm baby that loves to watch EVERYTHING! The last month of Cam has been very enjoyable. Every couple of days, I have him try a new fruit or veggie. After 3 days of him eating it (no allergic reaction - none yet, knock on wood!) I puree a batch and freeze them into cubes. This is very fun and worth it too. Not only am I saving a ton of money on baby food, I also know exactly where he food came from and whats in it. So far, Cam eats: Apples, Bananas, Plums, Peaches, Pears, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Peas and Avocado. His favorite is Bananas and least is Avocado. This week, we are going to try zucchini! Wish him luck : ) I have established a nice routine for Cameron and he seems to be thriving. He wakes up between 6-7am every morning, naps at 8,11,2 and 5ish for about an hour and falls asleep for the night at 8 on the dot! He is very easy to read and spends most of his awake time playing, giggling and watching everything around him. I'm so blessed because I am able to get a lot done around the house. Every monday we even go major food shopping - he loves to help. Last week, we went to the zoo with Amanda, Molly, Sally and Penny. We had a picnic and walked around for hours. It was so much fun to hang out with my girls and have the babies interact. We had such a good time that we bought a membership! We are planning on going to the zoo at least once a month. We are so excited for the summer and can't wait to get out and about. We have several camping trips planned with our friends and family, our annual Chelan trip in August and a lot of birthday parties and get togethers. As soon as the weather gets better, Cam and I will be outside a lot! He is eating like a champion and is getting super strong and big. I'm so proud of that little guy. Everyday I love him more and more. It amazes me. His 6 month doctor appointment is on Thursday - I'll post his stats later that night! To end this blog entry, here are some new pictures of Cammers!

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Hi everyone! I have recently made a huge decision with my blog.  With the kids away from me during the day most days, it has been increasi...