Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cameron's 6 Month Photo shoot

As promised, here are Cameron's 6 month photos courtesy of Kate Sortun and Zon Wang. There were so many wonderful photos to choose from so I only included a handful : ) Thanks ladies! We love you!

Monday, July 30, 2012

The best 7 months of my life

The past 7 months have flown by us so quickly, yet they have been the best 7 months of my life. Being able to stay home with Cameron has been the best experience I could ever imagine. He is such a happy baby that is an absolute joy to be around. He makes me laugh daily with his little personality and even cracks himself up. The coolest thing is that he is now completely aware of his surroundings. Just in the last month, he now knows who Basil and Lola are. They come up to him and he opens his mouth extra wide to get kisses (don't worry, I stop them!), he lets them lick his feet and squeals in delight and just today actually interacted with Basil. Cameron was sitting up playing with his toys when Basie came up to check out what he was doing. Cammers saw Basie and began reaching to touch her. She is still unsure of why this baby wants to grab at her (princess!!) and started to jump for side to side to avoid him. Cammers began to laugh and she started doing it faster with her front paws down and her butt in the air! This caused him to laugh hysterically to the point where he fell over! It was the cutest thing I have ever seen!! The girls are so good to him and protect and snuggle him every chance they get. Since the weather has been so nice, Ryan and I try our best to walk every night with the girls. It has been wonderful to get out and about in the evenings with our little family. Everyone gets exercise (minus the little prince in the stoller). Cammers now sits straight up in the stoller and looks around. Most of the time he is in the reclining position with his little cankles in the cup holders! Cameron is such a good eater and enjoys a lot of different foods. This is what he is currently eating: Apples, Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Avocado, Peas, Zucchini, Pears, Peaches, Red Bell Pepper, Grapes, Bananas, Plums, Blueberries, Green Beans and tomorrow will be trying cherries. I make all of his food and enjoy every second of it! It feels great to know he is eating fresh foods (mostly organic) and is getting the taste for different textures and flavors. There is nothing wrong with jarred baby food, by the way. In fact, I started by buying jarred food to gage what Cammers liked and didn't like. I didn't want to make a big batch of a certain veggie or fruit and have him turn his nose up at it. Ryan wouldn't like to eat 2 cups of pureed peas! Cammers is now learning how to use a tippy cup and loved to drink water from my glass. He is very good at it. Occasionally, I will give him a little piece of my crushed ice. He carefully sucks on it before requesting more (Thanks mama for getting him started on that!) He finds a lot of things funny but these are a few of his favorites: The words "Boo" and "Beep" crack him up. Tickling his tummy with your foot (Ryan uses his head). His uncle Ryan always makes him laugh! And now the girls!! We made a huge decision this month also. We made the switch to cloth diapers. It has definitely been a big change but is getting easier every day. We came to this decision because of 3 main factors: It will save us a ton of money, It is better for the environment and It is better for Cameron. Wish us luck! He has been spending a lot of time with his little friends too (Molly, Penny and Charlie). We decided to get a zoo membership this year and make the most of hanging out with my girls Sally (Penny) and Mandi (Molly). My cousin Ashlee and her little family (Charlie) decided to move back home from Arizona this month! This was great news because Charlie is a month older than Cameron! Plus, they literally live 5 minutes away from us! Last Saturday, Ashlee and Charlie came over to play at the park. It was so much fun watching Cammers and Charlie interact together. They were sizing each other up and sharing their toys. This is going to be fun!! A couple weeks ago, Zon and Kate graciously took Cameron's 6 month pictures for us. Again, they dazzled us with their talent and presented us with AMAZING pictures! I am so lucky to have such wonderful friends that are so giving. I'm glad my son gets to be around you two. Such great examples. I will include the pictures in a separate post for you all. To sum up this month, I would say my sweet little baby is becoming an adventurous little boy! And we are loving every second of it!! I can't wait for him to get up in the morning (when we go in to get him in the morning, he is already on his stomach peaking through the spaces between the crib rails with a HUGE smile!!) We are so blessed to have such an amazing (and easy) baby. We love you Cameron Michael!! Here are some highlights from this month - ENJOY!!

Thank You.

Hi everyone! I have recently made a huge decision with my blog.  With the kids away from me during the day most days, it has been increasi...