Monday, April 30, 2012

Cameron's 4th Month

I can't believe I'm saying this, but Cam is 4 months old today! Looking back over the last 4 months makes me so incredibly happy I could cry. Cameron is such a joy to have and be around. He now recognizes familiar faces and reacts to certain people (my mom and dad majorly!) by giving them a huge smile! At the beginning of his 4th month, he started it with a bang. On April 2nd, after weeks of teetering on the edge of rolling over, he succeeded. I couldn't believe it! I rolled him back to his back just to make sure he really did it - then he rolled back to front again. I ran and got the camera and he definitely gave me a lot to record. He rolled back to front then front to back! He can't be stopped now! Also this month, Cam started giggling out loud! This is what I have been waiting for - he laughs with his whole body. He is officially the cutest little boy I have ever seen. He loves to be tickled on his sides and have his little fingers kissed. When I feed him, he now knows that I kiss his fingers if he puts them in my face. Such a smart boy. Every morning we walk passed the hallway mirror and visit "mirror baby." Cameron cracks up when he sees himself in the mirror. He gives a big smile and hides his face in my chest! He does that a handful of times before we go into the kitchen to look at pictures on the fridge. We say good morning to Uncle Ryan, cousin Charlie, cousin Molly, Tumi and Mary Frances. He looks at each picture so intently. He is still teething (we believe), which is very frustrating because of the large amounts of slobber and the hands shoved in his mouth 24/7! Advice to new moms - buy teething bibs!! Lots and lots of teething bibs! They keep baby's clothes dry and act as a wipe for excessive slobber : ) On April 28th, Ryan and I took Cammers to the UW Spring game at Century Link. We packed him in the front pack and hoped for the best. We took him out of the pack and made him dance around and he flirted with EVERYONE around him! He did surprisingly well - all though I think the announcer and music was a bit too loud for the poor little guy. He looked scared every time something was announced. At the game, he also found his voice. Oh man did he find his voice! He was screaming and talking so loud! It was pretty funny - after a while, our friend Blake was the only one around us! On May 4th, he has his 4 month appointment and I can't wait to see how he measures up (I'll post his percentiles on Friday). I'm so incredibly proud to be Cameron's mama. I feel like everything is so natural now and I know what every face and cry means. I tracked his activity at the beginning of the month to try and establish a schedule for daycare. I am proud to say he is pretty predictable now and things are beyond smooth. A couple weeks ago, I contracted Listeria (AWFUL food poisoning type illness). I couldn't be around Ryan or Cameron because I didn't know what it was at the time. I couldn't hold or kiss Cammers for two days!! I was so sad and missed him SO much! Ryan did awesome and took amazing care of Cameron (even let me see him from the doorway). Shout out to my mom for giving Ry a break and coming over to play with Cameron for a couple hours - You are the best!! Both nights that I was sick, Cameron slept through the night!! It was like he knew we needed extra sleep and needed to take care of myself. THANK YOU BUG! Overall he is a delightfully happy little boy who loves to be kissed and tickled. We are so lucky to have such a laid back baby who doesn't need to be coddled a ton. I can't wait for the up coming months and what they have in store for us. Soon he will be sitting by himself, crawling and walking!! Everything is happening so quickly! I want him to stay small forever, but I know the world needs Cameron : ) Like I said before, I will post his 4 month status on Friday. Here are some pictures of Cammers' 4th month. Enjoy!

Friday, April 13, 2012

He's on the move!

Well, it's official, Cameron is now rolling! On April 2nd, Cammers rolled from his back to his front then from his front to his back. I was so shocked to see this because babies usually start rolling around 5 months! For days I tried to capture it on video and finally I got it.

All Cam is interested in now is rolling. So much so that we had to take his fluffy bumpers out of his crib and replace them with meshy breathable ones. I can't believe he is rolling already!

He also giggled at me for the first time today. I will try my best to get that on camera too : )

Here is the video of Cammers rolling - Enjoy!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Cameron's 3 month pictures

As promised, here are some of Cameron's pictures from his photo shoot with Zon and Kate. There are sooo many to choose from but I'll only put up a couple : ) Thanks again Z and Kates!! You two are great photographers and even greater friends.

Like I said in the blog before, the last 3 months have been amazing. Looking back, I couldn't have done it without Ryan but I also couldn't have done it without my mama. Since having Cammers, she has given me the best advice, listens to me express my frustrations and simply has been there for me. Being a first time mom is extremely terrifying, but having the support of an experienced mom is comforting. I have always respected my mama, but now I admire her even more. Thanks mama for showing me the ropes of motherhood while still mothering me : ) I love you much.

Enjoy the pictures of Cameron!

Thank You.

Hi everyone! I have recently made a huge decision with my blog.  With the kids away from me during the day most days, it has been increasi...